Sunday, January 13, 2013

Holly Jolly Cake

A Holly Jolly Christmas Cake, made for a Christmas Eve Party
The inside of the cake had the traditional Red and Green colors, and you could see it cutting into the cake.  

Christmas Cupcakes

I personally think I do better with cakes, but HEY, why not do some fun cupcakes every now and then...these were for some Church Christmas Events that were going on...

Both the star and the snowflake toppers were sugar cookies

Rainbow Sprinkles Cake

This cake was made for Miss Ella's 4th Birthday
She was wanted a "Rainbow" the inside of the cake was ALL rainbow colors.
The outside was covered in frosting, rolled in rainbow-colored sprinkles, with fondant letters and ribbons

Little Gentleman Cake

This cake was made for a "Little Gentleman" themed Baby Boy Shower

Choose The Right Cake

This was a cake made for Miss Sadie's Baptism
CTR = Choose The Right

**Unfortunately I only got pictures of it in the box, my apologies

Stars, Stripes, & Polka Dots

A fun, girly cake for Miss Addison's 5th Birthday
(My first fondant cake EVER)

Winnie the Pooh & Piglet Cake

Winnie the Pooh & Piglet Cake for Miss Zoey's 2nd Birthday

Princess Castle

A Princess Castle Cake for Miss Addison's 4th Birthday

Minnie Mouse Cake

Minne Mouse Birthday Cake for little Miss Zoey's 1st Birthday

About Me and a Welcome

Welcome!  Welcome to my cake blog!  I have a family blog that I keep, but I have been wanting to keep a cake blog that is separate from my family blog, and I am finally getting around to it.  So welcome to my cake blog, Cakes By Lynz---not very creative I know, but its all I got at the moment.

So where does "Cakes by Lynz" come from...well, first off, Lynz is short for Lynsee.  Thats me!  And the "Cakes" part, well....that basically comes from me baking all the cakes that I have baked.  So there you have it.  I got into cake making not so long ago.  My first "real" cake was back in 2011, when I made a cute Minnie Mouse cake for my daughter, Zoey's first birthday.  After doing that, I realize that cake making was kind of fun.  So then I made one for my daughter, Addison's birthday--a castle cake.  After that, I really didnt do much with cake making.  It wasnt until the following year, after we had bought a house with PLENTY of counter space for me to work on, it was then that I attempted fondant making, and discovered that HEY!  I am pretty good at this.  Am I a professional?? No.  Am I perfect at it?  Well, almost, (that was a joke), definitely not!  But I have fun with it, and I really am not all that bad at it.  I have made some cakes for different friends and their various occasions, but thats about it.

I started this blog just for the fun of it.  As mentioned before, I just wanted to keep a separate cake blog aside from my family blog.  I dont expect to get famous or make big bucks (although that would be nice).  But I do this for the simple fact of having fun, and making other people happy.  My favorite part of this cake making business, is seeing the reactions on peoples faces when I show up to their door with one of my creations, and seeing how excited they get, or hearing them say how awesome "that" cake is.  That my friends, is where I get my "high" from making these cakes.

A little about me:  I was born in Utah, but was basically raised in the South...South Carolina to be exact.  Met my husband, Michael in the good ole' SC where he was born and raised.  We have 3 adorable kids, Addison, Zoey, and Rhett, and one goofy black lab, Cooper.  I am a Mormon and proud of it.  We currently reside in New York where we have discovered that not all Yankees are bad.  I love to travel, meet new people, eat pizza, play Super Mario, and of course, make cakes!  Thank you for visiting "Cakes by Lynz", and I hope you enjoy viewing my cakes as much as I do!   Have a blessed day!!

How cute is this family...I mean really!!